Part 1

Question 1

What do you believe is the largest obstacle for youth to use mindfulness?

Question 2

Find one example of how mindfulness is currently used with businesses like google, or used to train elite athletes and military personal .

Please submit your answers in provided submission button below.

Train of Thoughts

Question 3

What practice of noticing your thoughts did you prefer, and why?

Question 4

Where does your mind tend to focus: on the past (what has happened) or the future (what “might” happen)?

Part 2

Question 5

Out of the 2 meditations on emotions which would did you prefer and why?

Question 6

What do you find is the most difficult emotion to work with and why?

Part 4

Question 7

Of all the videos, which one did you find most helpful?

Question 8

How can you use mindfulness in your daily life?